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Business Headsets Do Not Have a Significant Premium Compared to Consumer Headsets

1. There is no obvious premium for business headsets compared to consumer headsets because of functional distinction

Commercial products such as "commercial car" and "commercial seat" have higher added value because they symbolize a certain social status; while business headsets emphasize the functional needs of frequent calls rather than symbolic status, so in terms of price, the difference between business headsets and other consumer headsets is not obvious.

2. The gross profit margin of business headsets is higher than that of consumer headsets

Through the sales proportion, we find that the increase in the sales proportion of the headset for business calls can significantly increase the overall gross profit margin before 2015. It is inferred that the gross profit margin of business headsets is higher than that of consumer headsets, with a gross profit margin of about 60% or more.

After 2015, the improvement in the proportion of business headsets will not significantly increase the gross profit margin, because the sales growth of business headsets at this time is mainly contributed by UC headsets, and the gross profit margin of the UC wireless headset is lower than other that of business headsets, thus dragging down the overall gross margin performance.

With the expansion of the sales scale of UC certified headsets, the scale effect will effectively increase its gross profit margin, thereby enabling the overall gross profit margin of business headsets to rise.

ADDASOUND is committed to providing excellent voice solutions and comprehensive after-sales service. Our wide range of headset types caters to professionals in contact centers and offices, focusing on voice recognition and unified communications. All products are based on the specific needs of consumers. ADDASOUND has always been committed to providing customers with an excellent voice communication experience and ensuring high standards of reliability and quality. If necessary, please consult.

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